Aktuální počasí v Antarktidě
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© 2024 Český antarktický nadační fond
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Help with us
Thank you for your interest and support of activities of Czech Antarctic Foundation whose purpose is to support scientific research activities especially through researching polar regions, that is, Antarctic and Arctic. Let us provide you the opportunity of co-operation.
Individual donation:
The most widespread form of direct help is a financial donation. Thanks to it a foundation can fulfil its mission - to help. Donation can be accomplished once or frequently. It is also possible to set the manner of frequent support - to set the amount of (e.g. monthly) contribution.
Each single or frequent donor is always entitled to record of the donation. We will be happy to draw this document once the amount in question is transferred to foundation´s account and the donor provides basic information for the drawing.
Each single or frequent donor is always entitled to record of the donation. We will be happy to draw this document once the amount in question is transferred to foundation´s account and the donor provides basic information for the drawing.
Corporate donation:
In case of corporate donation, the Czech Antarctic Foundation attempts to take up an honest and open discussion with the donor about intentions of the support, setting possibilities - how to use the donated means effectively and transparently.
Bank details:
Český antarktický nadační fond
Bank: Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
Address: Na Poříčí 1046/24, 115 20 Praha 1
Phone: +420 261 359 051
Account No.: 284595949/0300
IBAN: CZ38 0300 0000 0002 8459 5949