© 2025 Český antarktický nadační fond
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Taking part in an Antarctic expedition is the worst way how to see the most beautiful corner of the Earth
(Apsley Cherry-Garrard, member of Scott´s British Antarctic expedition 1910-1913)
Czech Antarctic research is unlike in some other countries not based on numerous scientific teams and large, expensive infrastructures. After more or less individual actions joined in 1957 - 1980 with Soviet and in one case American researches and stations, the work today is systematic, launched in the first half of 1990s and bound mainly to Czech scientific station on James Ross Island (latitude: 63°48´02´´, longitude: 57°52´57´´). The station has been running since the beginning of 2006 and it is property of Masaryk University. Permanent researches in areas of meteorology and climatology, geology, geochemistry, palaeontology, geomorphology and glaciology, physiology and ecology of plants, microbiology, ichthyology, parasitology, ornithology, medicine and other sciences prove our serious attitude towards research. Support of these researches is a demonstration of co-responsibility of the Czech Republic for preserving the unique and by human so far minimally disturbed ice continent that significantly stabilises world climate and implicitly the ecosystem of our whole planet. Antarctic land is property of all of the humanity and was pronounced to be "natural reservation devoted to peace and science". Any military activity is banned there, except from logistic support of researches, that being said, it is today the only unchallenged functional internationally administrated region. Czech Antarctic researches have significantly contributed to not only scientific knowledge of the Antarctic, but also to improving the international status of the Czech Republic within the Antarctic Treaty System. |
Our republic has been an upright member of Committee for Environmental Protection since 2005, since 2013 member of Committee of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes and since 2014 member of Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Based on the systematic work of Czech scientists, the Czech Republic became on 36th Antarctic Treaty conference in 2013 a full member with the right to vote. Considering the distance between the Antarctic and Europe and extreme climatic conditions and glaciating of the Antarctic, Czech scientific Antarctic researches are understandably not cheap and their important part is also costs to maintain operability of our station named after Gregor Johann Mendel. We gain means for financing these activities with support of Masaryk University mostly only via projects for supporting science and research enunciated mainly by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, or more precisely by Czech Science Foundation. Hence the reason that in second semester of 2014 led to establishing the Czech Antarctic Foundation as another possible source of finance for supporting Czech Antarctic researches from the corporate area. We decided to make this step believing that even private sector would understand the significance of our scientific actions and prospective merits of investments in this area. Such a support has in sense of promoting our country similar meaning as in the area of culture or sport. prof. Pavel Proek
Daniel Nývlt převzal chilské státní vyznamenání za zásluhy o výzkum Antarktidy
O'Higginse. Toto prestiní vyznamenání mu bylo uděleno chilským prezidentem Gabrielem Boricem za jeho dlouholeté zásluhy o rozvoj vědecké spolupráce mezi Českou republikou a Chile v oblasti antarktického výzkumu.
Členové týmu ČANF proili runé léto - zatímco u probíhají intenzivní přípravy na dalí antarktickou sezónu, Ing. Duan Jamný a RNDr. Václav Pavel, Ph.D. se zúčastnili dvou výprav do Arktidy.